Bergamot Station
This project was to re-design the visual identity for the Bergamot Station in Santa Monica. The logo was inspired by the idea that individual galleries came together to form the Bergamot Station.
I designed 6 logos that will represent different sections in the map. These 6 logos will be combined in one to form the main logo of the Bergamot Station.
The design of the logos for each stations were inspired by the shape of the map.
Identity System
Pamphlet Design
Business Card: Depending on the location (station A-F) store has different logo
Back: Store List and Locations
Directory Poster
Website is using the same language as the printing materials, it is using the same logos and colors to separated each stations. The website was designed to provide information about the stores location, images of on-going exhibitions, and events.
The shape of logo was used for the installation. Depending on distance people stand the information of different artist will be displayed.